5 Tips to Get the Family Moving!
If sharing is caring, parents can bring life to
the age-old sentiment by sharing best practices and healthy behaviors with their children. Habits start in the home and children typically mimic the learned behaviors of their parents. Families can get ahead of the game by creating a family health plan that consist of standard health checkups, group exercise outings, and planning healthy meals.
Standard Health Check-Ups - Parents AND kids should schedule and track routine checkups with their physicians. It is a good idea to keep a record of medical/dental information and history for access at any given time.
Planned Group Exercise/Outings - As with any fitness plan, having a specified goal is the best way to ensure success. Define the purpose behind your family’s activities and strategically plan events and exercises that work towards that objective. Many families plan outings and events around major holidays and birthdays, while some families take various smaller trips and adventures more frequently. Creating an effective fitness plan for your family doesn’t have to be rocket science. The goal is to be purposeful and committed together, sharing fun and educational experiences.
5 Ways To Get the Family Moving:
Family Bike Trip or Walk - Walking or biking 1-2 days/week is a great way to share wellness. Tracking steps or miles adds a measure of accountability.
Sing and Dance - Few activities more enjoyable than dancing to your favorite songs! Dancing is a
great way for families increase movement while adding an additional level of creativity to the mix.
Chores Can Be Fun - Adding some twists and challenges to the chores playbook can make chores bearable and even fun. Everyone knows that raking the leaves is always better when you know you can jump in the piles!
Family Fitness Events – Get other families, or your extended family, together for a good game of volleyball, softball or football. Team events teaches the element of “team spirit”, healthy competition, as well as how to win/lose.
Break Away From the TV - Selecting to be more active with the inclusion of family game night is an excellent way to take the attention away from the tv and tablets. It may be a good idea to include games that are competitive and noncompetitive.
Healthy Meal Planning should involve the entire family. Including the kids in the meal process instills a foundation of better decision making as it relates to nutrition. Kids can help mom and dad plan healthy meals, shop for groceries, and “plan-portion-prepare” the family’s favorite meals. There are many free resources available such as nutrition.gov that help educate and layout steps to include in your family’s fitness planning.
The earlier we learn and begin to implement healthy habits, the more likely we are to create a
legacy of better health and wellness awareness. Try including some of these tips with your family and see how much fun your family has with leading a more fit life.
By: Devin D.C. Campbell
Eat the Frog Fitness, Johns Creek